Massage Therapy in Chelmsford & Maldon

Massage Services in Chelmsford

We also provide massage therapy in Chelmsford and Maldon, Complementing our chiropractic treatments to promote healing, rehabilitation, and improving your physical health. Massage therapy can improve recovery and extend huge emotional benefits as a way of relaxing and treating yourself.

By way of manipulating and kneading the soft tissues and muscles in your body, massage therapy works to relieve aches and pains, release nerves, improve circulation and generally promote flexibility and physical relaxation.

Our widely experienced massage therapists work together with their chiropractic colleagues, to use a variety of different massage techniques. Following a joint assessment of your problem, massages are prescribed to suit the individual needs of your condition, working on areas of concern to ease pain and tension and offering aftercare advice to get the best out of each massage.

Whether as part of a chiropractic treatment or simply for pleasure, massage therapy is effective for all sorts of people. With such a wide range of massage disciplines, from sports and pregnancy massages to deep tissue or reiki, massage is now increasingly used as an essential element in the management of your health and well-being.


Treatment Methods:

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01621 856 452


01245 200 369
